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Ways to secure a living wage for Hawaii:


Step 1. Register to vote online, and click to have your ballot mailed to you!

Step 2. Find your district and Senator and Representative. STREET NUMBER NOT NEEDED! Just "Beretania" not "415 Beretania"

Step 3. Find out if your candidates support a living wage for Hawaii.

Step 4. Sign the petition to show your support for a living wage.

Send an email to a candidate in your district. List of current legislators here

Email For Current Supporters!

Thank you very much for your commitment to move the minimum wage up to a living wage! With record low unemployment in Hawaii, there are still hundreds of thousands of full time workers unable to make ends meet. As a living wage supporter I am very happy to see your commitment to help working families. I look forward to helping you pass living wage legislation this year and secure a future where all Hawaii workers can afford their basic needs!

Email For Future Supporters!

Please make a commitment to moving the minimum wage up to a living wage and add your name to the list of supporters at! With record low unemployment in Hawaii, there are still hundreds of thousands of full time workers unable to make ends meet. Our lowest in the nation real minimum wage results in all of us making less than we are worth. We need to pass living wage legislation and secure a future where all workers can afford their basic needs!

Like us on Facebook: Living Wage Hawaii


Follow us: @LivingWageHI

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